Call for Entries – Concerning the Spiritual in Art
Concerning the Spiritual in Art
A juried survey of regional 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional art exploring the themes of faith, community, and the spiritual life.
August 1- August 17, 2014
Three $250 Awards of Recognition
Jurors:Mitchell Bond and Patrick Ellis, owners of Goose Creek Studio in Bedford, VA -
Patrick Ellis is an artist and educator who earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Georgia, a Master of Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Philosophy in Liturgical Studies from Drew University. He has taught high school and college and has led workshops for all age groups in the field of art and spirituality. He has mounted numerous art exhibits in his roles as Curator of the Dadian Gallery at Wesley Theological Seminary and Director of the Arts for Theology and Ministry Program at the Washington Theological Union. Patrick is a mixed media artist and liturgical designer.
Mitchell Bond, a native of Bedford, VA, came to Goose Creek Studio from a career in graduate theological education. He has a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from James Madison University and a Master of Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary. He has nearly twenty years of experience in student services and administration. Mitchell is also an artist working in copper foil stained glass, fused glass and mosaics.

Call to Artists:
Open to all artists working in, but not limited to, paint, sculpture, metal, photography, printmaking, fiber, mixed media, mosaics, collage, drawing, glass, ceramics, etc. Members and non-members of the Lynchburg Art Club (LAC) are invited to submit entries.
The exhibition is not intended to be a competition, but rather a survey of work by regional artists who explore the universal experiences of faith, community, and the spiritual life. The jurors are looking for art that moves the viewer beyond the current time, expresses an inner spirit, or seeks to communicate the complexities and inter-connectedness of human life. The jurors are not looking for representations of religious images or persons, but rather work that denotes an understanding of the creative imagination and artistic expression as primary sources for communicating the primary struggles of existence; birth and death, relationships, community, sickness and health, injustice, belief and unbelief. Artists of all faith traditions, artists who struggle with issues of faith and artists of no particular faith are encouraged to participate in this survey.
This is not a blind juried process. Artists are encouraged to submit both an artist’s statement and websites/Facebook information with their entries so that the jurors can better grasp an overview of the artists work.
“The artist must have something to say, mastery over form is not the artistic goal, rather the use and adaption of forms to communicate or represent inner meaning.”
Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual In Art, 1912
Three “Portiuncula Awards “($250 each) will be given to artists whose work most powerfully and thoughtfully explores and expresses the universal experiences of faith, community, and the spiritual life.
Award reception will be on First Friday, August 1, from 5-8 PM. The jurors will present recognitions and make a few comments about the jury process and the art represented in the exhibit.
This exhibition is open to all artists over the age of 16. All 2-D entries must be framed or gallery wrap, wired for hanging. We cannot accept saw-tooth hangers or metal loops embedded in cardboard backing. Please make sure your work/s is/are labeled with your name and title on the back.
Entry Fee:
LAC Members: $25, nonmembers $35, for up to three items. Make checks payable to Lynchburg Art Club, submit with entry form. A completed entry form is required of all artists. Correct spelling and accuracy is the responsibility of the artist.
Entry Submission: (2 Step Process)
- DOWNLOAD the entry form
- Mail completed form and entry fee to:
Attention: Patty Powers
1011 Rivermont Ave
Lynchburg, VA 24504
2. Email electronic image files and artist statement to
. In the subject box, type these words: Concerning the Spiritual entry
Attach digital images of your entries. Electronic file specifications: JPG or TIF, 300 ppi (dpi), longest dimension 8” or 2400ppi. 2 images of each work may be submitted if a detail image is to be included.
File names: Last name First initial Title of art work full (example: Powers P The Heavens Sing full.jpg ) or Last name First initial Title of art work detail (example: Powers P The Heavens Sing detail.jpg)
If you have an artist statement, please attach it to this email or include it in the body of the email. Also in the body of the email, please note your website/Facebook/blog or other internet presence.
Please feel free to contact the jurors if you have questions about submissions or the jury process. If you need help with photographing digital images, resizing images, or submitting images and entries by email, please contact Patty Powers or your other computer savvy friends for help.
Deadline for receipt of emailed images: Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Postmark deadline for mailed entry forms: Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Notification: Artists will be notified by email of acceptance or rejection by Sunday, July 20, 2014.
Accepted art may be delivered to the Lynchburg Art Club on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, from 10-2 and from 5-7, or Wednesday, July 23, 2014, from 10-2. Contact Patty Powers if you are unable to deliver during these hours to make other arrangements.
All art may be for sale. Artist is responsible for providing correct pricing. If a work is not for sale, please mark that on the entry form (NFS) and provide a value for insurance purposes.
Commission: Lynchburg Art Club will take a 30% commission on sales by members, and 35% for nonmembers. Checks will be mailed to artists within 3 weeks of the close of the exhibit. Work not for sale must include a value for insurance purposes. Maximum value the Lynchburg Art Club will insure is $1000.00 per work. Such coverage will run from the time of delivery until 2 days following the close of the exhibition.
Use of images of art in exhibit
Lynchburg Art Club has the right to use images of any art in this exhibit to promote the exhibition. Whenever possible, artist credit lines will be given, but LAC is not responsible for an omission in any publication.
You may pick up your art on Sunday, August 17, from 4-6, or on Monday, August 18, from 10-2 or 5-7. Please contact Patty Powers at 434-384-7064 or if you cannot make one of those times. LAC will not release art to anyone other than the artist unless LAC has been notified of the name of the person who will be responsible for picking up another artist’s work.
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