Founded in 1987, the Retreat is the only non-profit domestic violence agency on the East End of Long Island whose mission is to provide safety, shelter and support for victims of domestic abuse and to break the cycle of family violence. The Retreat provides residential and non-residential services (housing, crisis hotline, counseling and legal advocacy) and maintains an in-school violence prevention education program, all are free of charge to those in need. 100% of entry fees and 50% of sold artwork will go directly to the Retreat.
Entry Fee
Entry fee is $50 per entry, limit 3 entries. Entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. Make checks payable to “The Retreat” or click here to pay online. All works entered must be original creations by the artist and must be show-ready by April 19, 2011 if picked to be in the group show. Accepted works cannot be substituted and are committed for the duration of the show. See “Digital Images” for guidelines on submitting works to be entered.Eligible Work
This exhibition is open to artists in Photography, 2D, 3D (painting, drawing…) and Sculpture (please, no video art). The work cannot be larger than 24″ x 36″.Digital Images
Images must be in JPEG format and minimum of 72 dpi (to be judged online). Images must be titled in this format:1. Title, Last Name, First Name
Mail CDs to:
The Retreat, 13 Goodfriend Drive, East Hampton NY 11937ATTN: Juried Art Show
Online Submissions
You may also E-Mail image(s) to: heather@theretreatinc.org. Title these in the format outlined above. Images that are sent in without payment will not be looked at.Jurying Process
Selection of the top 25 entries will be made from submitted JPEG and CD images. Make sure the images are clear, since the actual piece of work will not be judged. Judging will be finished by the last week in March.Regardless of selection status everyone will be emailed the last week in March.
For More Information
Use our online Contact Form or E-mail heather@theretreatinc.orghttp://hamptonsjuriedartshow.com/rules
Thanks Dora, I'm delighted to hear that! I'll be posting more soon, just been really sick this last week. Thanks for stopping by and I'll be sure to check out your place :)